Purchasing Assistant For Oasis International School - Group Scolaire Oasis

Employer Oasis International School - Group Scolaire Oasis
Job Title Purchasing Assistant
 Languages French, Excellent
Country Egypt
City Cairo
Job Category Purchasing
Job Type Full Time
Job Level Any
Description Buy goods and services necessary for our business.
 Evaluate market conditions and different suppliers. Negotiate effectively and maintain profitable relationships.
 Acquire supplies that are critical for the success of our business operations.

Qualifications Minimum 3 years experience. French : Excellent
Gender Any
Car owner Any
Education major Marketing
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Other Skills The ideal candidate will have a keen eye for detail and a commercial mindset. Communication skills.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Job Contact Email recrutement@oasisdemaadi.com

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