Software Engineer For Cross Over


If you want to be the best software engineer, don't waste your time working in a team that lacks the right work structure and commitment to code quality when you could join a team that pushes code changes to production at a rate of 16,000 per quarter with less than a dozen regressions across our 120+products. 

Our first-rate track record would not be possible without our unique approach to job design that enables software engineers to specialize in high-quality code fixes and automated testing.  In this one-of-a-kind opportunity, you will learn how to meet demanding quality standards and ship perfect code. As a result of this rock-solid career foundation, you will turbo-charge your growth as a developer and increase your earning potential with any employer.

Join us in migrating software into cloud-native applications, the right way, and become one of the best software engineers in the world in the process. 

What you will be doing:

Providing code fixes and automated unit tests as you rotate through our teams dedicated to a single aspect of code quality:  Automated Unit Testing, Maintenance, and Automated Integration Testing
Performing meatier work within a culture of "DevOps on Steroids" due to the huge investment we've made in tooling and automation based on the ideas provided by our engineers.
What you will NOT be doing:

Getting spoon-fed easy changes or small parts of complex problems already solved by senior team members.
Designing or re-designing  modules and systems to meet new requirements.
Reviewing someone else's code to find issues and errors.
Maintaining a manual workload, if you can automate your way out of it.  The hungriest engineers free up their own time to be assigned more progressive tasks
Key Responsibilities:

In this role you will:
-Write high quality code every day
-Write unit test code to a high standard of 100% code coverage and 80% mutation coverage
-Create elegant solutions to resolve difficult bugs

Candidate Requirements:

To produce high quality work in this role you must hold firm:
-A belief in test-driven development
-A love for simple, clear, bullet proof-code and elegant solutions, and
-An obsession with eliminating bad code that drives you to refactor badly written code before inserting a line of your own

You must have a deep specialization with a minimum 2 years of professional experience in one of our 4 core languages: Java, C#, C++ or Javascript

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